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Weekly Meditation: Sunday February 9 at 6:30pm Israel time (11:30am EST).
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Weekly Meditation: Sunday February 9 at 6:30pm Israel time (11:30am EST).
Weekly Meditation: Sunday February 9 at 6:30pm Israel time (11:30am EST).
Weekly Meditation: Sunday February 9 at 6:30pm Israel time (11:30am EST).
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We can do this!
We can change global consciousness and bring world peace.
Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. directs the first World Peace Meditation. Please join us for the next one! (date near top of page)
The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
Thank you for choosing to become part of the grass roots for creating an un-defeatable thought-form energy to transform the world into the world of peace. The world peace meditation is non-sectarian. It is for world servers of all different religions, spiritual paths and backgrounds. It does not depend on politicians, nationalism, world economic policies; it depends on us, the world's people creating such a powerful thought-form for peace that the world mind shifts from that of war consciousness to one a global mind of peace consciousness. We are choosing to meditate, visualize, pray for the world peace, love, and light around the world. The principle that this is based on is what Peter Russel calls the Global Brain - Our meditative thought-form energy can literally upgrade the global brain to one of a peaceful global brain. This principle has been known for thousands of years. We believe the collective synergy of peace and love of the human heart may be the most powerful transformative human force on the planet.
Since 1973 over 300 studies have shown that when people meditate for peace we actually enhance an energetic field of peace in the global brain. Research since 1973 supports this important statement. Landrith compared 22 cities of 25,000 people each. Eleven of these cities had 1% of the population meditating and the other 11 did not have meditators. In the 11 cities with 1 % meditators there was 16% less crime rate. A similar type of study was done with 350 meditators who were brought to the state of Rhode Island and meditated for 3 months. The overall drop in violent crime, murders, car thefts, rapes, divorces, homicides, and beer and cigarette sales was 43%. They came back the next year and did the same and this time it was a 49% drop. These studies are a good example to show we literally have this potential to create peace by the transformative power of meditation.
Dr. Tiller, the former chairman of the material science department of Stanford hypothesized that the group field effect is equal to the square of the number of the people meditating. For example if 10,000 people meditate at the same time, it is equivalent of 100 million meditating separately. The clear message is we have more power to create world peace than we think. We do have the power to create world peace on every level. Living peacefully is a way of life. A way to activate this is creating: peace with the body, peace with the mind ( meditation) peace with the family, peace with the community, peace with all cultures, peace with sacred ecology and peace with God in the form of inner and outer peace. All these are part of a holistic peaceful way of life. This process depends on us taking the moral, ethical, and spiritual responsibility to create such a strong thought form of peace that the world mind shifts from war consciousness to that of global peace.
Our peace meditations can even affect our solar system. For example Dr. Paine studied the results of meditation on sun spots and he found that when people were meditating even one time like is done with the Peace 21 meditation on each equinox and solstice there was a 36% drop in sunspot activity. Higher amounts of sunspots are associated; with more violence and social chaos. He did this 4 years in a row to gather data that actually shows we even affect the solar system. The big message is pretty clear - we have the power to shift consciousness of the planet and perhaps even the solar system; that's an exciting thing. The idea of critical mass is one we see in nature such as the hundred monkey phenomena. It is also seen in the physics of laser technology, that they find at one eight of 64 random photons become synchronized the other 56 random photons spontaneously become synchronized.
The group field consciousness effect is a real thing and has been produced in many ways, it is a main reason we believe that world peace is attainable. We believe that the power of the mind and heart is the most powerful human force on the planet. We believe that by focusing the power of thought in the service of world peace, world peace will prevail.
In Summary:
1. We believe world peace is an attainable reality.
2. We believe that the power of the mind is the most powerful human force on the planet.
3. We believe that by focusing the power of thought in the service of world peace, peace can prevail.
4. We believe world peace will more quickly come when people from diverse backgrounds, ages, political view-points, religions, spiritual beliefs are willing to come together in the spirit of cooperation to meditate, visualize, and pray for peace.
5. We believe that from the place of inner peace we have more energy and vision to continue our efforts as a part of a worldwide movement to create outer peace.
6. Through meditation we create peace by being peace.
As M. Gandhi said: Our armaments have failed already, let us now be in a search for something new, let us try the force of love and god, which is truth.
Peace prevails on Earth,
-Gabriel Cousens, M.D.,M.D.(h)
How To Meditate
Meditation is classically defined as quieting the activity of the mind. At a deeper level, it is going beyond the limitations of even the quiet mind into the Nothing.
The basic technique of meditation has two steps:
1. Focusing the mind which is usually done with a mantra or a visualization. One simply repeats their mantra until their mind is quiet and then let go of the mantra . When you let go of the mantra and the mind remains quiet then you are in meditation.
If you already have a mantra, just use that to go into meditation.
If you do not have a mantra, I will share the one I got in meditation at the end of a 21 day water fast in 1995.. It is Yod on the in-breath and Heh on the outbreath, then Wah on the in-breath and Heh on the outbreath. In addition, on the in-breath start the upward movement from the perineum up to the heart and then Heh out to the world from the heart; then on the in-breath do Wah from the perineum to the third eye area and Heh from the third eye area out through the heart merging the heart and the mind.
2. You repeat this until the mind is quiet and then let go into the silence of meditation.
The Visualization
1. In gently moving from the silent meditation to the visualization one focuses on the on the heart chakra area also known as the thymus area which is slightly below the mid-chest area where there is a slight dip. See this area filled with luminous white light.
2. Then on the inhale pull the rising energy from the Earth into the heart area. After the exhale, on the next inhale pull the energy from the Heavens down into the heart area; merging the Heavens and the Earth.
3. The merging of the energies of the Heavens and the Earth activates me into a full independent Divinely activated Sovereign Being. As a Sovereign Being I am Divinely empowered to no longer consent or comply with the mind control forces of the Global Elite and by my intent burn up all implanted, injected, inhaled and ingested dark and or gene altering forces, nanobots, spiked proteins, or other intra-cellular or extracellular particles or vesicles that toxify me and/or allow me to be controlled by the dark force energies around me.
Now with the heart fully energized and cleared of dark force energies I experience this radiant luminescent white light emanating from our heart radiating out and touching and energizing the hearts of all humanity. As the light spreads it activates the hearts of all primates, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish birds, insects, trees, flowers, herbs, plants, and the living earth itself.
As a result, I now see the whole earth shining in peace, love, and light beneath the surface of the earth, on the earth's surface, and in the atmosphere surrounding the earth filling all with peace, spiritual joy, and love.
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